Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A trip to the library

I read an article this week about C.B.S. losing its library due to lack of funding. Another article the following day had the mayor saying that this was not the case (a letter had apparently been misunderstood) and that the town would never be without a library. Good news says I. While the sales of e-readers are on the rise (I'm actually hoping Santa will bring me one this Christmas), it still doesn't replace the library. Especially when kids are involved.

Today, on this beautiful sunny November day, I took Charlotte to the library for her first visit. We bundled up and walked down to the library where she was able to sit and read through some books before choosing about 8 books to bring home with her. While looking for books I asked her what she wanted to read. "Tinker Bell" was her reply. So, I suggested we go up to the librarian and ask if they had any Tinker Bell books. She walked right up to the librarian and asked her if she had any Tinker Bell books. The librarian took her to them and showed her some other books she may like. She was so happy to get the book she had requested that we sat then and there on the floor and read it.

Charlotte then brought her chosen books to the front desk and told the librarian her name and got her very own library card. She was so excited.

Charlotte's very own library card

After the library I asked Charlotte if she'd like an ice cream or a chocolate milk and a timbit. I was hoping she'd say the later so I could get a coffee, but alas, ice cream won out. It turns out it was quite handy as it occupied her as we walked back home.

Mmmm, ice cream

When we got home, Charlotte went straight to the sofa and started reading her books. She couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about her day when he got home. Now that's what a library is all about.

Lots of books to read

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