Saturday, November 19, 2011

How a boy becomes a Boob Man

Many women have encountered them. Those men who instead of looking you in the eyes, stare at your other pair. Don't get me wrong, not all men do that. Some men have no choice, hell, some women have no choice when they see a pair coming at them in all their glory. Boobs are great, really they are. Some are big, some are small, some you just don't see at all.

My question, how do boys become boob men?

I have one theory. Remember, it's just a theory. I breast feed. I decided that if I could, I would. Not everyone can. Some babies just don't latch on or there isn't enough milk production. Other women decide it's just not for them. It's an individual decision that every pregnant woman makes. When making that decision they take a lot into consideration. Researchers say breastfed babies have lower rates of illness, it boots their immune system, it helps the Mom lose weight, and more.

If you have breastfed, or are considering it, you may or may not know that there's one, shall we say side effect to breastfeeding...... your child just doesn't look at you in the same way. I don't know if breastfed girls are different from breastfed boys. I didn't notice it with Charlotte, but Harrison, well, see for yourself. He's a Boob boy. Will he be a boob man? If he's like his Daddy, I say there's a good possibility.

Hey Babes! Mama's up here!!!!!