Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Putting Me, Myself and I out there

I woke up this morning and started to think about what I was going to write about today. I don't want this blog to be a journal of what I did each day but rather interesting thoughts or things that I've done recently. As I was thinking about it, I realized that up until recently, I never thought I'd be writing a blog, let alone thinking about it so often.

For those who know me, they may or may not know that I am quite a private person, especially when you first meet me. Yes, I'm on Facebook but hardly ever post anything. I'm more of a stalker. I like to see what other people are posting but wouldn't dream of doing it myself. It took a lot for me to even post pictures of Harrison when he was born let alone my private thoughts. I actually went through my friends list and culled anyone who I didn't see or interact with on a regular basis. I just didn't want people I didn't really know seeing my newborn child. And now, 3 months later, I am writing a blog for anyone to see. It's a big step for me.

And so, three blogs later, I am now writing a very personal blog about me, myself and I. Putting myself out there like I never have before. The blog  is something I wanted to do to change the way I deal with things in my everyday life. To be more outspoken in not only my private life but also my public life as well. To write without worrying what other people think. I'm a worrier. I worry about what the consequence of my actions could be. I worry about what other people are thinking. I worry. I am jealous of people who can say what they think without worrying about what others will think. Me, I'd worry the entire time and then afterwards too. It's just me. I'm working on it though. Writing this blog, commenting on other peoples' blogs and commenting on Facebook. I've started to do it all. I realize that I like to receive comments on my posts, so I'm trying to post comments on blogs and such as well instead of just thinking about what I'd say. While it seems like a small, silly thing, it's huge for me.

So, that's the blog for tonight. Putting my thoughts out in blog-land for all to read and trying not to worry what people think. For someone who likes to be in control of most situations, this is a scary step.

I'm not going to say I hope you like it and I'm not going to worry about what you think when you read it. I just need to stop reading this over and over and press "Publish now".


  1. So glad you pressed "Publish Now" and hope you keep pressing it!

  2. Well said! I had an experience last year when I was described by someone (to my face) who should have known me better with qualities that couldn't be further removed from the real me. In fact when I told a very dear friend of mine she said, "I don't understand how they could have got you so back to front!" Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, people will form their own opinion, be that right or misguided, and no amount of worrying will change that!
