Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guy Fawkes Night

I thought I'd post this morning on an event taking place in England tonight and in many parts of NL as well. It's November 5th so that means it's Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night.

In case you weren't aware.... Guy Fawkes Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain. Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. Celebrating the fact that King James I had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London, and months later the introduction of the Observance of 5th November Act enforced an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure. (source: Wikipedia)

Growing up in a family with an English Father and living in Topsail (where there was always room for a fire), we had a huge bonfire each year. Well, it was huge to me anyway. Living in England for 5 years and marrying into an English family, I learned quickly that Guy Fawkes Night was even bigger than I thought. While Halloween isn't really recognized, November 5th makes up for it. In fact, the fireworks (you're not allowed to have a bonfire) usually start a week before, but on November 5th, the skies light up.

While living in England, we celebrated Guy Fawkes Night at our place with my husband's father and family. Following supper, we all headed out and stood as far away from the back fence as we could, as Andrew and his Dad lit the fireworks. You see, the gardens in England aren't that long (at least ours wasn't), so we (or at least I), felt pretty darn close to them as they went shooting up into the sky. Having survived without injury, we'd return to the warmth of the house for further food and drink. A lovely way to celebrate the night.

So, tonight, we are doing it again. Celebrating with Andrew's Dad and his family as they are now living in NL, just 5 minutes away. It's our first Bonfire night with us all together since we moved away in 2003 and we are really looking forward to it. I don't think Guy is though. Yes, there will be a Guy and of course fireworks. Stay tuned for photos!

So, however you celebrate tonight (whether with fireworks or a community bonfire), remember to be careful. Stand clear of the fireworks, make sure a responsible adult is setting them off and if you want to experience a fire, go to your local one where there will be marshmallows and hot chocolate. Firemen too for all the ladies our there! Here is a link to where they are taking place in NL.

But remember, above all,  have fun!

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