Thursday, November 24, 2011

Snow Day!

So, today we had our first snow day. Here's what we did...

After a yummy hot bowl of porridge, a cup of coffee, and watching Seamus' last day on Canada AM, we headed outside to start clearing the snow.

By the time I had the kids and myself dressed, Andrew had most of the driveway done, which was OK by me!

Lesson learned - Ask Charlotte if she needs to use the bathroom before dressing her.
10 minutes outside, I heard - " PEE!!!!"

Our best friend during the winter. We love you!

Andrew, work called.... 
they're closed for the rest of the day! YAY!

Charlotte, is that snow yellow? No Mommy, I didn't pee on it!

The shovelling put Harrison to sleep

Our sleeping angel

Our little snow angel

Daddy snow angel

Mommy & Harrison snow angel
The latest addition to our family

Hey Mom, what's been going on?

After all that work and play, it was time for hot chocolate and marshmallows.

A great snow day indeed.... until we heard the plow!


  1. Whoo Happy first snow day! Sounds like you all got t enjoy it :)

  2. Jennifer, nice to see how you handled your first snow day. You have two beautiful children.
