Friday, December 30, 2011

My promises for 2012

Every year, as the end of the year approaches, I look back on the past one and think about what I’ve done, and ask how did I do it, what would I change, what can I improve? The answer to the last question is always something. Of course there are always things we can change about ourselves.

This past year was another wonderful one. I started off the end of last year pregnant and a year later I have a beautiful baby boy. Our little girl Charlotte is a bright and beautiful child who brings so much joy to our lives. I have a wonderful husband who loves us very much and would do anything for us. We have a wonderful support system in our family and friends and we all have our health. Life is pretty fantastic.

For 2012, I wish for all the above to continue and I intend on doing my part to make it so. Rather than these be resolutions, these are more promises, to myself and my family to ensure that 2012 will be just as good and even better than 2011.

In order to look after my family, I must look after myself. This is something I don’t do enough of. I put my family first and myself last. In doing so, I think I’m doing the right thing, but, if I’m not well, how can I keep my family well?

So, my first promise is to look after myself. I’m going to eat right (everything in moderation), exercise at least 20 min per day (it doesn’t seem like much but sometimes that’s all there’s time for) and take time for myself each day to look after myself.  At the moment, I’m not doing that. There are often days that I’ll get a shower in the morning (usually before the kids get up to make sure I get one) and I don’t look at myself in the mirror again. The time it takes me to be ready is 20 mins because that’s often all I have. But now, I’m going to take a little extra time and moisturize that dry skin, scrub those tired feet and hey, even soak them once in awhile. If I don’t pamper myself, who will?

My second promise - I’m going to spend quality time with the kids. Not just time, but quality time. There always seems to be things that need to be done. While spending time with the kids, I always seem to be doing those things. Charlotte is great playing by herself which is good, but that can sometimes be a bad thing as I probably take advantage of this and do all the things I think need to be done. But, at the end of the day, those things are just things and they can be done anytime.  My kids, they’ll only be young for a little time and I need to learn to just put everything else aside and concentrate on them. This is going to be a hard one for me. Not because I don’t want to spend time with the kids, but because I also want to keep everything else on track and it bothers me when I can’t. For this reason I know the time with the kids will not always be quality, but it will be most of the time.

My third promise, fight the guilt. When that time isn’t quality, or I have to take the kids off their usual schedules to get things done, I need to know I’m doing it for the right reason and not feel guilty about it. I need to take that guilt, roll it up in a ball and throw it away. As my Mom used to say about bringing us up, she did her best and I think she did pretty darn good. That’s all I can ask of myself; that I do my best, that I learn from my mistakes and I continue to grow. In doing so, I’ll do right by my children.

My fourth promise is to my husband and myself as a couple. When you have two kids, quality time with each other is pushed to the side. In the new year I want to make a point of having a date night at least once a month. Whether it be going to a movie (with the help of our support system) or just making a nice meal and sitting listening to some music, it’s important to make time for each other.

Finally, my fifth promise is to chill, relax, worry less. This refers to my previous four promises, for in order to follow through with those, I need to do this. I’ve started working on this already, and I feel I’ve improved, but I have a LONG way to go and well, bring it 2012! You know about my ball. I roll up my worry or negative thoughts and I roll it up in a ball and throw it away. Well, I intend on having a really strong throwing arm by the end of 2012, because I'll be throwing a lot away this year!

So, there you have it, my resolutions for 2012. Sure, there are other little things I want to do too, but these are the important ones for me. I’m determined to keep these and to make 2012 one of the best years yet. I’ll give you an update next year on how it went.

Happy New Year to you all. See you next year!

Chill'n & relax'n on Christmas Eve. Just a sample of the fun to come in 2012

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful promises Jennifer! No resolutions for me this year either - I too am going the promise/goal route. I love that photo of you guys!
