Monday, January 16, 2012

Just Do It

So, we're three weeks into the New Year and three weeks into my promises. If I'm honest (and it's only hurting me if I'm not) I have wavered a little in my exercise/eating well regime. But, considering what I was eating three weeks ago, I have done pretty darn good. As I mentioned yesterday, my treadmill now has a permanent home in the basement and I have a brand new pair of running shoes. There are no excuses now. None that I can justify anyway. Not really. Sure, I can find excuses, but it's pushing through those excuses, much like you push through the pain to finish your run. I find this difficult to do sometimes, but I'm really going to try. One excuse I have to fight is the kids excuse. Sure, there are times, many times, that it's difficult to find time to run when you have two kids. Especially during the week. But, it's a matter of making sure when the time does present itself, that I grab it and run rather than do something else. Most things can be done when the babe is awake. Running is not one of them.

This morning, I told Charlotte that once Harrison was down for a nap, I'd be going down for a run. Once my run was over, we'd do whatever she wanted to do. She was cool with that, as long as she could come down too. That was a good compromise. I had to watch Micky Mouse Clubhouse, but it was an episode I hadn't seen, so the time went by fast. Well, I'm glad I got my run in when I did. Harrison was awake when I went back upstairs and didn't really settle for the rest of the day because of his teething. I wouldn't have gotten it in if I hadn't gone when I did. 

One thing I'm doing to help in my quest to run is following a running schedule. I found the schedule I followed when I started running years ago to prepare for the marathon. You start off slow (something I need to do to ease my knees into it) and it gives you rest days. On the 1st day of each week you run the longest run of your schedule. I've decided to make that day Sunday as Andrew is home and I can then run worry free. It'll also give me a chance to run outside if the weather and road conditions permit. In making Day 1 Sunday, it also means Mondays and Wednesdays turn out to have the most rest days. This also helps as Charlotte is home with me on those days. I can do a different type of exercise instead, even involving her if I can. 

So, today was the start of a new week and an effort to continue my exercise promise. I felt really good after my run this morning and that's the feeling I need to remember when I'm fighting the urge to make an excuse. I just have to remember how I felt and just do it.

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