Friday, April 6, 2012

Decorating Easter Eggs

Today was a beautiful sunny day (well, the majority of it was sunny). It started for us in Mount Pearl where Andrew dropped me off and went for breakfast with Charlotte and Harrison while I met a couple of friends who were running the Tely 10 route at the 4 mile mark and ran the rest of the way with them. It was great to run outside in the sunshine but even better to have someone to run with. The time went quite fast and before we knew it, we were at Bannerman Park where I met up with Andrew and the kids.

This afternoon we decided to decorate some eggs as we're out tomorrow afternoon. This is the first year for doing this with Charlotte. I bought a kit to do it last year and we didn't get around to it.I don't know if she would have had as much fun as she did this year.  I found an idea online for decorating eggs with crayons. You boil the eggs and while they are still hot, you colour them with crayons. We thought we'd try them rather than the kit I had. I thought that they'd be more vibrant in colour and I was right. They turned out great.

Once the eggs were boiled, we put them in egg cups and coloured them. I had cut up some crayons as well which gave a really nice effect. You have to be careful when you turn them over to colour the other side as they are hot and slippery. We also took a couple of coloured ones and lightly went over them with a paper towel. They blended the colours and gave a nice effect.

The look of concentration
Trying out the shaved crayon
In all, Charlotte had a great time and coloured some lovely eggs. She wanted to display them in individual egg cups so we cut up an egg carton, painted the cups and they will display the eggs over the next couple of days. 

The eggs in their cups

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful job Jennifer and Charlotte. Very colourful indeed.

    Nana Dye
