Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Crafty Wednesday

Well, today was another busy one. Breakfast, tidying and cleaning the house, a 3 mile run and a shower all before 11am! With all that out of the way, and with Harrison having two naps, we got on with some craft time.

Today's crafts were Easter themed. Both were a little more advanced for Charlotte so she could only help a little, but she still enjoyed seeing them develop. 

I got the idea for the first one from a fellow mama in Harrison's play date group. She's a Pathfinder leader and was making these with her group. I thought they'd make a cute little craft for Charlotte. This little guy is made from two Vachon half moon cakes put together. You cover the cakes with icing and then decorate. We used mini M&Ms for the eyes and nose and licorice shoelaces for whiskers. I tried covering the body with a white confetti type candy, but it didn't really work and Charlotte was a little impatient to wait for them to be completely covered. The result, cute little bunnies that Charlotte couldn't wait to sink her teeth into. :)

Charlotte's little bunny

After lunch and while Harrison was napping for the second time, I decided to make an Easter banner I'd been thinking about for a couple of weeks. I saw it on this blog and thought it very cute. I had spent the past couple of weeks contemplating on how I'd make the banner. The blog gives a template which is great. My contemplation came on what I'd make the banner out of. Kara used book pages for the background and patterned paper for the eggs. The eggs, no problem. I have lots of coloured card stock that would be great for an Easter themed banner. The problem was the background. The book pages. Being a lover of books, I couldn't see myself cutting up a book. So, I looked at other card stock I had - plain paper, patterned, coloured, white. I didn't like the options. They clashed with the eggs. So, I went to look at some of my books. I found a couple I had read and didn't like so I justified cutting them up that way. 

So, using the template from the website, I traced out the banner on the book pages and cut them out. I did the same for the eggs. To make the eggs 3D, I folded one of the eggs in half and then glued it to the other of the same colour. I then used distress ink along the edges of both the eggs and banners. Once they were all distressed, I folded the top of the banners (about an inch), placed the coloured wool in the crease and then glued the flap. I then glued the eggs to the centre and voila. One Easter banner.

I think it's quite cute.

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