Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crafty Wednesday

Today Charlotte and I looked for some crafts for her to do today and while we saw some that we're going to do once I get the supplies, there was nothing that took her fancy.

Charlotte loves to paint. She often paints pictures for people we're going to see or who we've recently seen. You can't ask her to paint a picture for someone, she has to want to paint one. About a month or so ago, after we'd had a snowstorm, our next door neighbour was out shovelling his driveway. Ben and his wife Daisy are in their late 60s, have three grown children and 4 grandkids. They are a lovely couple who whenever they see Charlotte call out to her and say hello. Well, Ben saw Charlotte watching her in the window and waved to her. She in turn, waved to him and then blew him a kiss. She right then and there decided she was going to paint Ben a picture. 

So, we got out the paints and a painting she did go. Later that day, we went out and shovelled and I suggested that we take the picture over to Ben. She readily agreed and we went over and gave the painting of a rainbow to Ben. She told him she wanted him to have a "rainbow day". No, I'm not kidding. He thought that was lovely and went for his wallet and gave her $5. I told him not to, but there was no point. It was too late. As we left and he closed his door I heard him say to his wife "that made my day". I said to Charlotte "you just sold your first painting!"

Ben and Daisy are having new siding put on their house. They started it on Monday. When Charlotte saw someone working on their house she asked my what they were doing. I told her they were getting new siding put on and she wondered what colour. (She'd like to have a pink house). I told her that the next time we saw Ben she should ask him. So, later that morning we were outside in the garden and Ben came over to say Hi and give Charlotte some Easter candy. She then asked him what colour the house was going to be. He told her yellow. She seemed very happy with that. Ben then said he'd bring over a piece of the siding if he had any left over. I didn't think much of it until yesterday evening, a knock came on the door and here was Ben with two pieces of siding!

Charlotte was very excited and well, I just wondered what we were going to do with them. Well, today Charlotte asked if we could make something out of them. I told her we'd have to think about that and see what we could come up with. This afternoon, after playing outside and getting some rocks for another project, she decided to paint them. She got out her paints and decided what colours she'd use and well, this is what we got. It actually looks quite nice. I'm going to suggest we trim the edge though.

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