Monday, March 12, 2012

Harrison is Seven Months Old Today!

Where does the time go? I can't believe Harrison is seven months old today. I said to Andrew yesterday that I don't know where the time has gone and I don't feel like I have done anything over the past said months. He pointed out I've looked after the two kiddies during that time. Upon reflection we have done quite a bit. I've especially made an effort to spend quality time with them each and everyday and not let the usual daily stuff get in the way. We're looking forward to the warmer months ahead where trips to the beach and parks for picnics are on the agenda.

Harrison continues to grow and explore. He's starting to go from sitting to belly a lot more as he tries to reach those toys just beyond his reach (mean Mommy). He knows he's got to get his legs under him, so that's what he's working on now. 

He's liking his solids (although not as much as his sister did) and now eats an array of fruits, veggies and chicken and beef. He's not a great fan of the meat but will eat it mixed with something else. He loves carrots and well, he can't get enough of banana and his cinnamon apple/raisin mix. 

Charlotte still makes him laugh the most. As soon as she starts to play with him he's all laughs and giggles. Of course, Mommy and Daddy get a laugh out of him too! He now gives us kisses. Well, that's what we call them. He grabs your face and attaches his gummy mouth to whatever he can get. Usually the chin. They're sloppy and wet but lovely. I think he does it because I do the same to him. I just can't get enough of those kissable cheeks.

Sleeping continues to be good. He actually slept all the way through last night without a peep. I'm just not sure if it's the last effects of the cold or if he is finished with his nighttime feed. His appetite has been off for the past week so it's hard to tell. It would be great if that was the case though. He still loves his naps too. He's definitely a baby who needs his sleep.

We've been taking Harrison swimming for the past couple of months and he loves it. He actually kicks his legs and lies all the way back. Maybe he'll be a swimmer like his Mommy. Having said that, he enjoys watching rugby with his Daddy, so who knows what he'll want to do. Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

His favourite thing to do is still the jolly jumper. He loves to be standing and hops up and down even when our laps. 

How to describe our little boy? He's a happy, content little man who fills our days with love and joy.

Love you Babes!

Happy 7 months Harrison!

Giving his sister a kiss

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