Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crafty Wednesday

This week has been, for lack of a better word, crappy. Both Harrison and Charlotte have colds, but Harrison, being only 6.5 months old isn't handling it as well as his older sister. Thinking back, he's ben a bit off since last Wednesday. His nap schedule was off, he wasn't eating as much, but he was still a happy baby. Then Monday morning came. Well, said happy baby wasn't happy anymore. Instead, he was congested, coughing, spluttering, crying, whinnying, not sleeping and in general, miserable. So's Mommy...Miserable that is. Oh, and spluttering, crying, whinnying and not sleeping. Just kidding. Sort of. We've tried to make him as comfortable as possible. The infant tylenol helps a bit, he's lathered in vicks, HATES to have his nose syringed and we've hauled out the warm mist humidifier for the nights. Hopefully a combination thereof will help.

With Harrison being so poorly, I've spent the last three days inside. His lack of sleep and wanting to be in Mommy's arms when awake has meant long days and nights. No chance of getting out for any alone time or meeting a friend time. Hence, cabin fever on top of a lack of sleep... wasn't kidding about being miserable.

Having Harrison feeling unwell has also meant Charlotte has felt the need for attention or lack of. Luckily she had daycare yesterday so when Harrison did sleep, Mommy could too. Today, I thought Old Man winter (or Sheila) would help out and keep Daddy home, but alas, he (or she) left early and Daddy left for work at noon. Luckily though, the lack of sleep finally hit Harrison and well, he slept long enough for Charlotte and I to get a little craft on.

Charlotte loves caterpillars and butterflies. She has a couple of books about how caterpillars become butterflies (The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Crunching Munching Caterpillar) and has been fascinated with them since she was very little. When she saw this little caterpillar she wanted to make it. And a butterfly too. Oh, and a couple of flowers as, according to Charlotte, the butterfly would need them. They were pretty easy. We had picked up more pipe cleaners and googly eyes on the weekend so we put them to good use.

Mr Caterpillar

The Butterfly and the flowers
The flowers became a ring

The caterpillar hitched a ride on the scooter
To have gotten the time to get this written was another miracle. Harrison has been asleep for an hour. Maybe he's getting better. I hope so. There's nothing worse than having a child who's sick. All you can do is love them, cuddle them and hope that they'll feel better soon.

1 comment:

  1. We also used Children's Benedryl with HP when he had colds. It's an allergy medicine, but as many of the symptoms are the same ... stuffy nose, congestion, watery eyes, etc, it worked fairly well.
