Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Harrison is Ten Months Old Today!

Well, today my baby turned 10 months old. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Wow, the time has gone by. Harrison is turning into a little man before our very eyes. His personality is really starting to shine now. He's the happiest little boy, smiling at everyone and anyone and well, he makes us smile too.

He still has just the two teeth, but I have a feeling there are more starting to get ready to make an appearance.

He sleeps through the night, waking usually around 6:30am. Whether it's first thing in the morning or after one of his naps, he greets you with one of his smiles.

Harrison doesn't cry unless he hurts himself or he's very hungry or tired. When he's happy, he's happy. He chats, laughs, calls out and squeals. I love his squeal. When I pick him up the squeals come out with such glee.

To say Harrison loves food is an understatement. His favourites are banana and peanut butter on bread. He loves to feed himself. It's not very often that we take him out of his chair and there's anything that has missed his mouth. When he's out of food, he lets you know. I like to think he's saying "Mommy or Daddy, can I have some more food please". What we actually hear is "Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh". :)

Charlotte is still Harrison's favourite person. He is constantly watching her and is always laughing at her antics. When he's tired, or if he's in his car seat and we're not quite ready to go, all I say is "Charlotte, can you talk to Harrison" and all is good. She talks to him, sings to him, tickles him and he loves it.

Walking. Well, not yet, but almost. He's all about pulling himself up on whatever he can find and off he goes. His latest trick is pulling himself up onto Charlotte's chair, getting up on it onto his knees and then standing. Charlotte and I just stared at him the first time he did it (while all the time ready to help him of course).

He keeps us guessing, keeps us smiling and we love it.

Love you babes!

What a cheeky grin!

Gone are the days of sitting still!


  1. Oh my does looking at him make me smile. Sure do love reading your blog. Lol and the pictures.

  2. Look at that cute little smile, could eat him whole!!! xxx

  3. Just love your blog Jennifer. Can't believe Harrison is 10 months old and we certainly agree with you he is quite a happy little baby. You better not eat him whole Mel - we want to do that.
